August 2015 — Blog — Anna Maria Locke

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Anna Maria Locke

August 2015

August Favorites

August 2015Anna LockeComment

It's the last day of August. Ben is back to school, and I'm sitting in my little home office room with the window open, listening to the cicadas and the airplanes in the background. A strange yet comforting country/city blend of sounds.

I've been quiet this month on the blog, and as I scroll through my iPhoto feed I understand why: I was out living LIFE! August was super crazycray. I'm kind of relieved it's over, because I'm craving a little more stillness and quiet and peace and creative space after the hustle and change and expanding.

If July was the month of calm before the chaos, August has been the month of embracing the chaos with open arms!

Here are some of my favorite memories, experiences, books, recipes, and things I learned this month.

Favorite Change

MOVING!!!! The most exhausting weekend ever, but we did it!

Out with the old, in with the new. I am so in love with our new apartment and I promise to share more pictures now we've had a chance to settle in! I'm still working on my office and our bedroom, and we still need to find a smaller kitchen table that fits into our space, but overall I've been blown away at the effect this new home is having on me. We lived in our old apartment for three years, so the change was welcome. 

I read all the time about "how to manifest your dreams into reality" or "project positivity into the universe and you will attract abundance" and all that mystical feel-good stuff, and it's easy to blow it off but IT WORKS!

I'm constantly writing down my big life goals and dreams all the time, because I know for certain that when you put something on paper it has an 80% chance of happening within the next 6-12 months, no matter how crazy it sounds. Like, seriously, it's almost scary. And the remaining 20% will happen with a little more time.

Some of the things that have happened in the past year after I wrote them down:

- We discovered and joined an amazing church community
- I quit my job
- I am attracting the most ridonkulously inspiring team of coaches who are taking on the world
- Ben landed a job that fills him up more than his last one
- We bought a newer used car with cash
- We traveled to Europe together for the first time
- We are making more "couple friends"
- I put printable watercolors in my Etsy shop
- I am traveling more (a. lot. more....should have been more specific with that one haha)

It's scary to write down something specific that you may or may not have control over, but you can never predict the crazy things that start to fall into place once you put your vision out there! Be intentional with what you want, and opportunities will happen.

So anyway, one of my TOP goals this past year has been to find a cozy apartment that feels like home, with a deck or outdoor space, updated kitchen, space for home office, in our budget, in Lincoln Square. Yup, super specific, but I figured why not??

Our lease ended in July and after looking at 5 crap-tastic apartments, and I was starting to give up, but then we walked into this place and I think I literally heard angels singing. BOOM. I could cry.

So anyway, the moral of the story is DON'T SELL YOURSELF SHORT, don't settle, and don't be afraid to dream big! You never know...

Favorite Breakfast Obsession

Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes protein pancake mix.

I've been seeing this mix all over my health and fitness Instagram account and wrote it off for months as just another gimmick (and even made my own homemade protein pancake mix recipe, which is good too!) but I finally caved and there's no going back.

SO. GOOD. I find it at Target or Mariano's (our "nice" grocery store). It's a just add water pancake mix that meets my healthy standards, has extra protein to keep you full, and tastes so so so so so delicious. 

Favorite Experiences

So much happened this month! No wonder I'm kind of exhausted haha. Some of my fave experiences...

+ Blueberry picking in Michigan!
+ An impromptu mid-week trip to the zoo and the beach to soak up the last bit of Ben's summer break
+ A mind-bogglingly incredible trip to Orlando, Florida for a leadership retreat with my coaching mentors!
+ Throwing impromptu dinner parties on our new deck
+ Hosting my first ever live Google On Air webinar to share my story and explain the Beachbody coaching opportunity (you can watch the recording here!) THIS WAS SO FUN. I can't wait to make more videos!

Favorite Books

I'm currently working my way through the beast of Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins. This is the most intense and impactful personal development book I've read (aaaand I have a collection two shelves deep). I'm planning to blog my way through it, so stay tuned!

I'm also making an effort to read more fiction books "for fun" :) I try to keep my TAKE ON THE WORRRLD empowerment books to the daytime and wind down at the end of the night with something fun and fluffy. Go Set a Watchman wasn't fun or fluffy, but I thought it was really good and I highly recommend! It was our book club pick for this month, and my amazing sister in law hosted us with the most delicious homemade strawberry basil ice cream, brownies, and a signature cocktail. So that made the book really good too...

Fave Shakeology Recipes

I've been drinking Shakeology every single day for 18 months now, so i guess you could say I'm a fan. You can read my official review here! It has boosted my immune system so much that the only time I've been sick is when we got back from Holland, where I wasn't drinking it. I've also officially been converted by my friend Katie to the Vegan Chocolate formula...for some reason it's just better than the regular chocolate (which has dairy protein). However, I've been getting a little crazy recently with the Greenberry flavor, which is really refreshing in this late summer heat wave.

Here are my current go-to recipes...I have it either as soon as I wake up (if I'm too lazy to work out), or as a mid-morning boost.

The Anna Special

+ 1 scoop vegan chocolate Shakeology
+ 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
+ 1/2 banana, frozen
+ Handful spinach
+ 5 ice cubes
+ (optional: 1/3 c Greek yogurt if you are in a chocolate cheesecake mood!)
Blend blend blend!

Tropical Green Smoothie

+ 1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology
+ 1.5 cups water
+ 1/2 frozen banana
+ 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
+ Handful spinach
+ 5 ice cubes

I have a third and secret non-smoothie Shakeo recipe that deserves its own post...stay tuned ;)

So that's a snapshot of my life lately! It's been a lot of hustle and a lot of change and growth. In September I'm looking forward to re-connecting with my creative side (oh hiiiiii scarf season!!!), BLOGGING MORE, and continuing to grow and develop my coaching biz!

I don't like when life gets too whirl-windy. It distracts me from the reason I'm here: to create a life that gives me the maximum amount of joy and pass the good vibes on to you!

xo Anna

How to deal with big change

August 2015Anna LockeComment
how to deal with big change

In life, there are moments that rock us to our core, challenge us, and force us to redefine how we perceive ourselves and our place in the world.

Starting a business, quitting a job, having a baby, beginning a new relationship, graduating from school, and other big life transitions are really hard to process. Growing and changing takes time, patience, and a constant awareness of your own energy cycles so you don't immediately turn to destructive or addictive comfort behaviors like emotional eating, drinking, or self abuse.

In the general cycle of my week, Tuesdays are almost always a low energy day for me.

This has been the case ever since I quit my job last August and had to take control and ownership of my schedule and time, and my life became one big chaotic whirlwind of constant change and growth.

I use tons of mental and emotional energy on Mondays, getting back to work, checking in with my coaches and clients, doing calls and training webinars late into the night, creating grand inspired action plans for the entire week, and so by Tuesday I wake up and feel the kickback. My confidence is low, and I feel like there’s no way I’m ever going to be able to actually do all the things I was so excited to put on my agenda on Monday. I basically start to doubt my ability to do anything, when just 24 hours ago I felt capable, confident, and on top of the world.

Introvert problems!

Do you ever notice that you feel overwhelmed, slightly panicked, and emotionally vulnerable right after a busy day or a high-energy experience? This is totally normal!

I used to always beat myself up on Tuesdays, berating myself for my inability to keep the momentum going and get shit done, but I’m learning that it’s only natural to want to contract after you expand. So I’m learning to do my best to listen to my body and my heart, and to back off a little bit. Sometimes it works, sometimes I still beat myself up a little for not being able to operate at 100% productivity at all times...even though I know deep down that's an unrealistic expectation. 

Through these ups and downs, I’m learning that emotions we feel are temporary and pass like clouds over the sun. Just because you feel small and insecure, doesn’t mean you ARE small and insecure. Back off, do some self-care, and trust that your confidence and energy will bounce back!

So yesterday was Tuesday. I felt restless, unsettled, lost, anxious, miserable, strangely desperate, and ended the night in an ugly internal fight with my inner perfectionist.

I’m learning how to recognize and ignore that inner voice that tears me down, beats me up, and tells me I’ll never be good enough, but sometimes it creeps a little too close to my heart and I have to beat it back down.

Every month I am growing and expanding more and more as a person, leader, small business owner, and coach, and it is so. freaking. hard.

I want to do it all, have it all, and be it all, right now! But I have to shut my ego up and remind myself that it’s ok to evolve, to get messy, to play, to embrace the journey and not the outcome.

As a recovering perfectionist, embracing change is hard, and there are a couple lessons I’ve been processing this week.

I think they’re relatable to any type of change, whether you’re changing jobs, newly married, in a life transition, having a baby, losing weight, working on gaining confidence, or launching your own business.


Whenever I'm pushing my comfort zone, I physically feel blown open, raw, and scared. This quote from Julia Cameron pretty much sums it up:

When we are changing sizes, we feel large, clear, and powerful one day, tiny and defenseless the next...this is good. This is healthy. It just doesn’t feel that way. We want to be “finished.” We want to be “good at it.” Unfortunately, change--and the risks that go with it--invite feelings of vulnerability.


Neither is growth, change, or success.

When we’re trying to meet big life goals, or embarking on something new, it’s easy to want the process to be linear. To want a pretty, clear cut checklist to get you from point A to point B. Unfortunately, that’s not how life works.

We have to give ourselves permission to mess up, to go one step forward and two steps back, to make mistakes, to "fail."

I'm starting to believe that there's really no such thing as failure, just experiments and learning moments.


(without resorting to emotional eating or destructive numbing mechanisms)

So how do we react to these growing pains when life is moving a million miles a minute and our comfort zones are growing faster than we might like?

It's easy to want to go into hermit mode and protect ourselves when we're feeling vulnerable, but that's not an option when you have things to do and a life to live.

It's also easy to turn to numbing behaviors, like emotional eating, self sabotage, over working, or drinking. Last night when I had my vulnerability breakdown, my first instinct was to head to the freezer and dig into Ben's ice cream with the biggest spoon I could find. Luckily I knew not to listen to my emotions...but sometimes you're desperate enough that you can't connect with your inner voice of reason and sanity.

Here are a couple ways I'm learning to not only cope with change, but embrace the lows and bounce back stronger than ever.


Give yourself permission to wander.

You don’t have to hustle 24/7, work 12 hours/day, or tell everyone you're "busy" to be successful.

Mental white space and unproductive downtime matter, because that’s where ideas marinate and breathe and take shape.

"Anything worth doing takes time, especially building a body of work you’re proud of."

Self care self care self care! Put on your own oxygen mask first. Journal, yoga, meditate, read empowering books, listen to podcasts, get outside for walks, be unproductive. Give yourself permission to evolve, to take as much time as you need, to explore and play and experiment as you get to know the new and bigger version of yourself you're growing into.


Simply getting out of your head and physically into your body is the fastest way to change your energy and pull yourself out of a slump. Bonus points for taking it outside! You don't have to do an intense workout. Walking, yoga, even heading to a park and skipping through the grass will probably boost your mood instantly.

Tell yourself you're going to move for 5 minutes, and then see how you feel! Keep going if it feels good.


It doesn’t get easier, but you get stronger and more resilient. Success comes to those who simply don't give up for long enough.

Remember that even when it feels like you're falling back into old patterns, life only moves in one direction: forward. You are NEVER going back to the "old you" ever again...she is already long gone.

The process of finding your voice is the process of walking through that long slog. You’re not always going to know exactly where you’re going or what to do, but it’s the courage to continue taking small risks day after day and pushing into uncomfortable unknown places that really matters.
-Todd Henry

Have the courage to set your own pace and run your own race.

It’s your purpsoe to be happy, your only job is to take care of yourself so you can be the happiest, healthiest, most vibrant version of yourself you can be. Don’t feel guilty for putting yourself first. Say “no” to other people more often so you can say "yes" to yourself.

You are already good enough. Believe that little voice deep down, not the mean voice in your head.

I can't wait to watch you fly.

xo Anna


Get out of your comfort zone to change your life

August 2015Anna LockeComment

I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head and my heart right now.

It’s Wednesday mid-morning, I skipped my workout because I woke up feeling really lazy after staying up too late, I’m supposed to be bringing my car into the shop to get the transmission looked at...but I don’t think I can leave the house until I get some of these feels out! So even though I’m struggling to find words to describe everything I want to say, here goes my best shot!

This past year has been a giant Anna-experiment in comfort zone busting.

The end of August (how is it already August??) marks one year since I quit my job to work for myself, and the ensuing emotional rollercoaster has taught me so much about myself, what I believe, and what I want for my future and career.

This past weekend was another comfort zone milestone. I was invited to a leadership retreat and flown down to Orlando, Florida to spend two nights and days with my Beachbody mentors Robb and Chelsea, ten of the other leaders on our team, and a top 10 coach Carly Del Carlo.

We were treated to a private photo shoot, delicious food and drinks, and lots of bonding time. I’d say “networking,” but it felt more like a bachelorette party-meets-girlboss mastermind.

Just being in the presence of so many driven, successful, ambitious, and big hearted people was oh so powerful and a little overwhelming to realize that they saw me as an equal.

Even though I grew up as a straight-A student and high achiever, I've always struggled with self-esteem and I used to be easily intimidated by outgoing, confident, outwardly successful women.

For years I was content to sit on the sidelines and read blogs, stalk social media accounts, and watch creative entrepreneurs do their thing. Over the past several months though, I’ve been feeling pulled towards that energy and a growing desire to make a bigger use my life and my story to inspire other women too. To come out of the shadows and BE SEEN and respected as a leader and mentor.

How did I start? With baby steps.

I started to really think about what I didn't like about where I was at in life, where I wanted to go, and what I needed to do in order to start moving in that direction. Then I immersed myself in personal development to gain enough confidence and self esteem to believe that I was actually worthy and capable of making these changes and feeling successful!

Fear and self doubt are mortal enemies to dreams and success, and must be eliminated ASAP! 

I started posting more on social media, started taking my blog a little more seriously, and started to recognize that my words and story have influence. Over the past year I’ve been able to help hundreds of women get started or re-motivated on their health and fitness journeys, and I am leading an amazing team of over 100 coaches who are changing lives and building passive incomes for their families.

For the first time in my life, I’m proud of myself. I feel successful, I have found my purpose, and I’m so excited for the future because I can see it unfolding. I still have a long ways to go to meet my big crazy goals, but I’m learning how to be content with the journey, and proud of myself for every single step instead of beating myself up for moving slower than other people. I’m learning that I can’t compare myself to others, and that I’m writing my own story. Everything that needs to happen will unfold when the time is right.

I’ve also developed a closer relationship to God and my own spirituality than I’ve ever experienced before, because blind faith is necessary when you’re creating your own career out of thin air.

This has been a terrifying 18 month process! But so incredibly exhilarating.


  • You won’t be able to figure out who you really are and what you’re capable of until you test and find your limits.

  • When you empower yourself and set the bar high, you raise it for everyone in your life.

  • When you uplevel your personal expectations and choose to surround yourself with successful, positive people you admire, you don’t have to look up to them anymore. Instead of putting your mentors and role models on a pedestal and keeping yourself low, raise yourself and look ACROSS.

  • For all my fellow introverts: you don’t have to exude energy to be magnetic. Pushing yourself will increase your confidence, and you’ll start to exude a quiet power that’s all your own.

  • TAKE YOUR PIPE DREAMS SERIOUSLY! You deserve to be happy. You don’t have to struggle forever. Everything you want out of life already exists somewhere out there….go take it!

"Whatever happens, stay the course, because there’s nothing cooler than watching your entire reality shift into one that is the perfect expression of you." (Jen Sincero)

For too long I just assumed that if I worked hard and did what I was told, I’d feel successful. But the real world doesn’t work that way. If you don’t take initiative for your choices and your life, you’ll never end up where you want to be. And if you don’t take a minute to think about where your ideal destination is...even scarier!

Don’t get swept up in the current of life.

It’s easy to just go with the flow, work towards other people’s goals, respond to the demands that family and co-workers put on our time, listen to what society tells us we should or shouldn't do, but if you’re constantly living in “reactive” mode, you will never know what your true purpose is. You’ll never experience pure joy that comes when you realize that it IS possible to make a living by doing exactly what makes you most happy.

As soon as I realized that I wasn’t ever going to get the feeling of success and fulfillment I wanted until I stopped passively waiting for something to magically happen, I decided that I couldn’t sit on the sidelines anymore. I had to get uncomfortable and put myself out there.

Stop playing victim and become the hero of your own reality show.

For me, that opportunity came in the form of Beachbody coaching. For you, it may be something different. But please do yourself the favor of deciding what you actually want. Five years from now...where do you want to be? What do you want your daily schedule to look like? Is your current job laying the groundwork to get you there? If now, decide to make one small change to shift your course in the right direction.

Stop taking what you can get, and start creating what you want.

You deserve it, and you are worth it.

xo Anna

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.

I help ambitious, creative, quarter-life women get out of their own way, find their voice, and grow into their full capacity so they can make a difference and create freedom without having to compromise or change who they are...READ MORE.

My favorite part of my job is helping women have that AHA moment and recognize their own power and potential for the first time.

To learn more about joining my team as a coach, email me!